About Us
We are teens since 1994
Naguru Teenage Information and Health Center (NTIHC) was founded in 1994. However, since 2004, NTIHC main funding partner has been the Swedish embassy.
It is the pioneer program in providing adolescent sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda, and has continued to provide these services to young people within the age bracket of 10-24 years, for free at no cost at all. Some of the services provided include, general medical services, counseling services, HIV testing, Condom distribution, antenatal and postnatal services, family planning, and so on.
Young people are empowered in their sexual reproductive health and rights.
To promote access to quality, friendly, responsive sexual and Reproductive Health Services, rights and information for adolescents and young people.
To increase understanding, access to, and utilization of quality, friendly, and responsive SRH services and rights among the Young People.
Our Professional Growth